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< Food 19-ое июля 2010   12:17  >
There are people that can eat everything without detriment to their health and fit. But I do not belong to them. I know that it is very important to eat food that can cure and that is reached in vitamins and minerals. Such food can help everybody to be healthy and fit as well as avoid a lot of problems.
As for me I try to keep my fit and prefer to diet. My diet consists of limited amount of fat, sugar, salt and cholesterol. I prefer in my diet fruits, vegetables, fat-free dairy products (such as cheese, curds, yoghurt and kefir), lean meat, fish, porridge, etc.
Also I prefer an olive oil in my diet. It is sufficiently expensive, but it has a great healthy effect and it is the most important medicine. Not only eating an olive oil can improve many stomach disorders, but it can low such serious diseases as heart diseases and cancer. More over it is a main product in cosmetics, hair conditioners and soaps.
I try to follow three meals a day and do not eat after 8 p.m. But sometimes I lose regime control and begin to eat sweets as well as other high-calorie products. And… It is terribly! … to eat after 8 p.m. (in connection with that I come back home at 9 p.m. and sometimes it is difficult for me to overcome myself and give up supper).
Cooking is the very domestic duty that I would avoid… But sometimes I enjoy cooking some special for my family. My husband does not keep a diet that is why I cook high-calorie meal for him. He likes such meal very much and does not want to eat anything else. A pie, broiled meat with fat gravy, macaroni and pizza are his favorite food.
In conclusion I want to say that I am not in difficulty to diet, buy it is very important to know how to eat to be fit and healthy rather than to limit the organism in necessary products.

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