Персональная страничка участника проекта Диета Онлайн. Можно добавлять графики отчётов, вести блог и давать ссылку на эту страницу всем вокруг: /myhome/user.php?id=53845
You will be thin.
You won't look at pictures of models or celebs wishing you were their size, because you will be.
You will look good in whatever you wear.
Men will find you more attractive.
You will feel more confident and happy with yourself.
You will look perfect on the outside, allowing your inner perfection to show.
You will have complete control over your life, and other people will know.
Fat is...a lazy, slobby, greedy, and unintelligent person. Thin is...an intelligent, eager person who is in control of her life.
You will have less chance of having a heart attack.
You will be able to wear a bikini and feel proud.
People will congratulate you on how much weight you've lost, those who don't are jealous
You will be perfect, as nature intended you, without all that blubbery fat covering up who you really are. You will be exposed.
You will turn heads
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