Diet-Баллов: 2027
Сообщений: 361
Город: Cawston, Rugby, Warwickshire
3.4.2011 13:03
Вчера помыла раковину... :-)
Diet-Баллов: 2027
Сообщений: 361
Город: Cawston, Rugby, Warwickshire
2.4.2011 2:53
Надо начинать все сначала... Итак. Эмоциональное питание - корни во внутренних сильных переживаниях (так или иначе приобретенных). Одно из основных для меня - чувство вины (синдром отличницы). Итак - зоны подверженные самокритике: 1. Дети 2. Муж 3. Дом, хозяйство 4. Машина 5. Я - ухоженность, фитнесс 6. Родители 7. Друзья 8. Отношения с окружающим миром (социум) 9. Профессиональный рост
Применяя принцип флай леди (небольшое усилие каждый день=большой результат) к вышеперечисленному необходимо поставить на каждым день выполнимые задачи: 1. 15 минут "качественного времени" на ребенка - 45 мин 2. 1 искренний диалог в день, обед, 1 искренний физический контакт - 15 мин 3. 1 работа в день - 30 мин 4. 1 работа в день - 15 мин 5. 1 процедура - 30 мин, фитнесс - 3х8 (пресс, ягодицы, обруч) 24 мин 6. звонки чередовать родителям, сестре, свекрам - через день 30 мин 7. 1 смс, е-маил или звонок одной подружке - 5 мин 8. Новости, медитация, озвучивание (совместить с п.2) 30 мин 9. Глава в день из учебника + проработка задач (чередовать) 60 мин
Итого общая потребность времени - около 6-и часов.
Пожалуй прибавлю:
10. Выбрасывать 1 вещь в день (старую, ненужную)
Думаю, если снова взяться за себя и свои задачи, реально вернуть себя в "позитивное" самовосприятие.
Думаю, надо реально поработать еще и над изменением режима дня. Вставать - в 6.15. (ну, кроме выходных, ясный пень). Интернет - по успеваемости. В смысле если успеваю. Не пускать виртуал перед реалом. Соответственно постараться ложиться не позже 10 - сон красоты и все такое, да и не жрать.
Попробую планировать свой день с учетом своих 10-и задач.
Ну, хоть полегчало немного.
Завтра - снова в путь.
Diet-Баллов: 2027
Сообщений: 361
Город: Cawston, Rugby, Warwickshire
2.4.2011 2:51
FlyLady's 11 Points to Preparedness for Evacuation
"We can FLY in the face of Danger and Emergency if we are prepared. Don't wait till you are being asked to evacuate. Everyone thinks that it could not happen to them. Well it could and it is up to you to make sure you are prepared. Don't wait! DO IT NOW!!" -- FlyLady
PEOPLE: Have a plan for getting out of the house and make sure everyone knows it. Have an emergency bag of food and water for your family. Include wholesome snacks and treats for the children: dried fruit, nuts, peanut butter, crackers and granola bars.
PETS: Keep pet carriers and leashes readily available to lead pets to safety. Also take pet food with you.
PICTURES: Keep negatives or CDs of pictures in a lock box or at a family member's home. Have picture albums in one place ready to grab and go at a moments notice.
PAPERS: Have all your important papers in a lock box at a bank and only keep copies at the house. This keeps you from panicking. If you have them at home then put them in a folder that you can easily grab if you have to move fast. Color code it so you can find it!
PRESCRIPTIONS: Take your medications with you. Don't forget the ones that have to be refrigerated like insulin. Have small ice chest and cold packs readily accessible to pack and go. If you have babies; remember their formula or medications.
PURSES and PETROL: This is where you keep your identification, credit cards and cash. Keep a stash of cash for emergencies and grab it. You may not be able to use an ATM in the event of a power outage. Make sure your car always has a half a tank of gas.
PROPER CLOTHES and COMFORT ITEMS: According to the weather conditions; gather up a change of clothes along with outer clothing: coats, rain gear, boots, gloves and hats. If you have babies remember diapers. Remember to grab your children's favorite blanket, stuffed animal or toy. A game or a deck of cards could keep them occupied and calm too.
PLANNER/CALENDAR/CONTROL JOURNAL: These documents have all the information you will need from phone numbers, insurance numbers and important dates. They are small and filled with things you don't have to try to remember.
PERSONAL PROTECTION: Many of us still have that time of the month. Be sure and grab a box of your preferred protection. It may be hard to find if you have been evacuated. Stress can cause our bodies to do strange things too. So be prepared. Take medication for cramps too.
PHONES and RADIOS: Many of us have cell phones now. Always keep them charged up and have a charger in the car or an extra battery. They may not work in the event of power outages, but then they might. Know which local radio station has emergency bulletins. Keep your battery powered radio tuned to that local station and have plenty of batteries for it.
PATIENCE: This is one of the most important things to pack. Keep it inside of you so that you have a clear calm head. Having your P's to Preparedness list guiding you will keep you patient. In the event of an evacuation there will be lots of displaced people. Being patient will make things less stressful. Your children need to see you calm and collected. This will help keep them calm too.
Diet-Баллов: 2027
Сообщений: 361
Город: Cawston, Rugby, Warwickshire
2.4.2011 2:50
Vacation Planning and Packing List
Dear Friends,
Is getting ready to leave on vacation a pain in the bottom to you?
Do you run around with your head cut off for several days prior to your departure time, not knowing which way to turn?
Are you irritable and snapping at your loved ones?
Do you pack everything but the kitchen sink?
This is a characteristic of a SHE. I have done this so many times. Several years ago it would take me 2 weeks to pack for a 2 week vacation. In the end I was so exhausted, I just wanted to crash. So,I have some tips for you.
SIT DOWN with a pen and paper and PLAN! 15 minutes planning gets rid of the "Chicken with the head cut off" syndrome!
Break your list into 4 parts or use 4 separate pages.
Things to do before you pack.
Things you will need to pack.
Things to do before you leave.
Things to do when you get home.
The things you need to do before you pack are:
Make sure all of your clothes are clean and put away.
The house is in good order:Everything in it's place.
Make a grocery list of food that you take with you and buy it.
Take care of your pets needs, Sitter, or boarding and their food. This will be out of the way.
Notify post office that you will be out of town and to hold your mail, or asked a trusted person to pick up your mail and newspapers.
Do you have the directions printed out from MapQuest and in your planner?
Get car serviced and filled up. If you are going in the car.
If you are flying make sure your tickets are in order and in your planner or purse. What time do you need to be at the airport? What time do you need to leave the house to get to the airport on time?
Things you need to pack.
I use 3X5s for this one. Each family members gets a card. On this card I list everything that needs to be packed for this person. If they have a favorite toy, golf clubs, fishing gear, clothes and favorite snack.
Then I make a card that is labeled: Food to take.
When you are figuring on the outfits for each person, be sure to check your itinerary for places that you will need dress clothes Church, Fancy Restaurants, etc. Don't forget bathing suits, beach towels and beach shoes. If you don't have access to a washer, you may have to pack an outfit for each day, unless the kids are going to be in their bathings suits all day.LOL Then you will need to take a couple of them.
Now for your clothes. Keep it simple, Mix and match your outfits then you will have less to take. Keep your makeup and hair care items to a bare minimum. Don't forget a hat and sunscreen if you are going to be outside alot. How about a book or magazine to read?
Husband, Sometimes they need to pack for themself, but make a list just in case and double check. He will be happy you are looking out for his needs too.
Don't forget medications and a small first aide kit. I would put all of this stuff in one bag, I called my bathroom bag.
My rule of thumb is one Medium bag per person. Plus a Mother bag to take care of odds and ends stuff.(carry-on tote)
Things to do before you leave:
Set your BigTent Email up to "Web Only". Go to "Contact Us" to find out how.
I like to change all the sheets so that when you get home your bed is nice and welcoming. I do this the day before I leave. No time when you are leaving early in the morning.
Make sure the house is clean and sparkling, so when you walk in the door you are not blown away by a messy house.
Put Mr. Clean or Pinesol in each of your toilets and pour a little in your drains. Use something you like to smell. This will keep your house from smelling bad from stagnant water. If you leave pets in the house, put the lids down on the toilet.
I would throw the breaker for our hot water heater if I were going to be gone for 2 or more weeks.
Also turn the air conditioner up to about 85 degrees or completely off.
Check your freezer to make sure the door is closed. Don't ask me why I do this, all I will tell you is, it is not fun to come home to a freezer full of spoiled food. Then tape it shut.
Make a note of the things to do when you get home and leave it on the kitchen counter.
Turn on Air Cond and water heater. Unpack car as soon as you get home or it could be weeks before it is done. LOL
When you get the suitcases in the house. Start a load of laundry before you crash. I make sure my bags are unpacked as soon as I walk in the door. If I don't I will be living out of my suitcase for another week.
Reset your BigTent email to your preferred setting.
Then start your week over just like it was Sunday afternoon. Make out your basic weekly plan. Life is back to normal. Don't forget your routines. Now is not the time to fall off the routine wagon.
So jump back in and start over. Put this stuff on the return home note on your Kitchen counter. This way you will not have to remember it and it will be just like you are being bossed by someone. LOL
I know this looks like alot to do. But these are things you already knew about. When they are in black and white they are not as scary. Now you have a plan. Whenever you need to get ready for a trip, Drag this out and use this. Put it your planner for just those occassions. Put the lists in a sheet protector and slide the note cards in with them.
That way you will not have to reinvent the wheel each time you travel. You will just need to adjust for your destination. Have a great vacation and Don't forget to take some time for yourself.
Catch you later, FlyLady
Packing List
Here is a wonderful Packing list from My Very Dear Friend. For staying in a condo at the beach. You will have to adapt it to your vacation. Feel free to copy and paste it into Word.
____ask neighbor to bring in recycle, paper and mail
____make dog reservation
____clean out dog kennel
____pack dog's food, treats, leash (or cat's)
____changes of clothes
____sets of underwear (underpants, socks, undershirts, bras, slips, jock straps)
____sleep shirts/pjs
____dress outfits (pantyhose/tights)
____shoes (tennis, sandals, dress, slippers)
____robes (swim cover ups)
____special sports wear (tennis, golf, skiing)
____swim towels
____goggles, swimmies
____heavy coats, mittens, hats, boots
____hair things
____kids' shampoo
____bubble bath
____sun block
____shaving kit
____make up bag
____lidded cups
____pnut butter
____knife, spoon
____cereal, milk
____Kitchen Disinfectant
____sleeping bags
____cell phone, cord, charger
____books, magazines
____stamps, pen, paper
____sporting equiptment: tennis racquets, balls, mitts, inflatable mattresses, pool toys, rollerblades
____golf clubs
____Hostess gift(s)
____resort information
____feed, water cat
____change litter
____take dog to kennel
____set VCR(s)
____turn on porch light, set timers
____clear answering machine
____water plants
____check doors, all appliances off
____turn down heat/air conditioning
____post card labels
____post card stamps
____bills that will be due while gone
____sufficient checks to pay bills
____large garbage bags for dirty clothes
____laundry soap
____dryer sheets
Diet-Баллов: 2027
Сообщений: 361
Город: Cawston, Rugby, Warwickshire
2.4.2011 2:49
FlyLady's Crisis Cleaning 101
"Let's FLY through this Crisis Cleaning, so you can sit back, relax and enjoy your guests." - FlyLady
Dear Friends,
I can hear the panic in your voices. "In a few days, we have a ton of company coming, what am I to do?" If you want a crash marathon cleaning session, I can help you, but be warned, without the routines, your home will be trashed again in a day. So you have to listen closely.
Or...let me talk you through Crisis Cleaning on BlogTalkRadio: Here is the link to the show:
GO GET DRESSED ALL THE WAY TO SHOES, HAIR FIXED AND FACE MOISTURIZED OR MAKEUP PUT ON. DON'T QUESTION ME ON THIS. JUST DO IT NOW. Put on some good working music. Not too fast, just slow and steady. peppy, but not aerobic. Light a candle that has a good scent or put on some spices on to boil on a very low heat.
We are going to start in our kitchens. As the kitchen goes, so does the rest of the house. Set a timer and spend 15 minutes in the kitchen. If your sink is not clean and shiny, then shine it first, then you can fill the sink up with hot soapy water and start to clear off the left and right counters. Empty the dishwasher, When the timer goes off. Stop what you are doing and go to the living room.
Set the timer again and do 15 minutes cleaning off the coffee tables or picking up toys or newpapers. Concentrate on one thing. Not all of it. Get a laundry basket and put the things that don't belong in the living room in the basket. Take a garbage bag with you too. Start throwing away the trash. Don't get caught up in the guilt we have about recycling this stuff. Just bag it up for now. As you get your home in order there will be plenty of time to recycle. For now we are focusing on getting the home presentable. You can't do this if you are hyperfocusing on sorting and recycling. So get over this perfectionism attitude. When the timer goes off, head back to the kitchen.
In the kitchen set the timer for 15 more minutes, continue to work on clearing the counters. DO NOT GET SIDETRACKED AND WANT TO CLEAN OUT A CABINET. WE ARE DOING ONLY SURFACE CLEANING.
Now take a break and walk around and look at what you have accomplished in just 45 minutes. Set the timer for 15 minutes and drink a cup of tea or coffee or whatever you love and just relax. When the timer goes off. You are back in work mode for 15 more minutes.
This 15 minute session is in the bathroom. Clean the bathroom sink first, swish the toilet, then pick up towels and dirty clothes and put them in the hamper. DO NOT GET SIDETRACKED AND START A LOAD OF LAUNDRY. I MEAN THIS. LAUNDRY WILL COME LATER!
When the timer goes off, you are back in the kitchen. For 15 more minutes. We can do anything in 15 minutes. Keep working till the timer goes off. Then you go to the living room once again.
In the living room, continue to pick up and put away.
Every 45 minutes take a 15 minute break. Do you understand this?
Adapt this schedule to fit your physical limitations and children's needs. But you get the picture. Stay focused on one job for 15 minutes. You are going to be so surprised at how much you get done in a day's time.
My timer is my best friend.
You can do this. Now turn off the computer and get to work!
Diet-Баллов: 2027
Сообщений: 361
Город: Cawston, Rugby, Warwickshire
2.4.2011 2:48
Tips for Not Getting Sidetracked
Are you getting sidetracked? Do you feel like you are not making progress? This is required reading - once per week! Have you read this? - FlyLady
Let's start when our feet hit the floor. No, let's back up to the night before, just prior to bedtime.
Did you do your "Before Bed Routine"?
The beauty of the Before Bedtime Routine is that you are one step ahead on the day. It only takes a few minutes once you get started. Reviewing the cards and calendar last keeps it fresh in your mind for the morning. When you wake up you know what has to be done.
Did you do your "Good Morning Routine"?
Dawn has broken. There is nothing better than to stay in bed half the morning! I don't think so. Remember how guilty you feel when you do? Most of us are forced into a not-so-good-morning. We do this to ourselves, by not getting enough rest. As a result we wake up grumpy and dragging. Our happiness depends on getting proper rest. Get up 15 minutes early and give yourself a good start with the "Good Morning Routine"!
Kitchen Tips:
Let's talk about the kitchen for a while. If the kitchen is clean, the rest of the house stays clean, too. In other words, As the kitchen goes, so goes the rest of the house. Consider this: broken windows in a city. If a broken window is left unrepaired, the neighborhood goes down the drain. Crime rates go up and other building fall apart, but if these windows are fixed immediately, the neighborhood is not affected. Or shall we say infected. A dirty kitchen infects the remaining rooms. Strive to keep the kitchen tidy.
Empty dishwasher first thing upon entering the kitchen. (This way you always have a place for dirty dishes.)
Always keep the sink spotless and shining. (If the sink is clean you are less likely to put a dirty dish in it.)
Use a clean dish cloth and dish rag every day.
Get in the habit of drying your sink after every use (with the clean dish towel).
Fill sink with hot soapy water when you start to cook. (This helps to clean as you go.) My Granny taught me this. If you don't, the dishes pile up! Swish them good and put them in the dishwasher. The counter stays clear and when you are through cooking all you have to do is load the dishwasher with the china.
Throw trash and recyclables away as you empty the container.
Shut the cabinet doors.
Keep a can of Comet, bottle of Windex, and cleaning towels handy (for the little spritz that keeps things shiny)
Make table clearing everyone's job. Have each person take their own plate to the kitchen. They rake their scraps into the compost bin and put their plate into the dishwasher. This is something else children can do!
Menu planning:
This is tough! Try this: take a calendar and list every meal you cook for a month. At the end of a month you will have a journal of what to fix. From this journal you can make out menu cards and a grocery list. Don't forget to list what you ate at the restaurants, too; that is a menu as well. Once you have the right food in your house, you are more apt to cook it. Knowing what is planned for the day helps to keep you on track. Our biggest problem is that if we have to think aboutwhat to cook, we will probably go out.
Keep a grocery list and hi-lighter on your refrigerator. The grocery list is a list of everything you buy for the home. You can compile it in categories, alphabetically, or how your grocery store is laid out. Whatever works for you - perhaps categories such as fresh veggies and fruit, canned veggies and other, meat, milk products, etc. When you are running low just hi-light it on your list, then take the list to the grocery on your shopping day.
Another tip: Clean the refrigerator out the day before you go grocery shopping. This gives you a neat place to put your food. Besides, it's easier to clean when the refrigerator is empty.
Also, don't forget to put the groceries away as you bring them into the house. (This keeps the counters clear, and you do not feel overwhelmed by all those groceries that need to be put away.) It goes without saying, bring the meat and refrigerator stuff in first.
Paper pile ups:
Mail - often a big pile up problem! This works - the "DO IT NOW PRINCIPLE" (from the FlyLady's Dear Husband):
Go through the mail as soon as you bring it in the house.
Only open it with your calendar, cards, and garbage can at your side. (This cuts down on handling it twice.)
Have one place for bills. And put them there!
Have a day for paying them and stick to it. FlyLady's date with her bills: on the 1st and 15th of each month.
Reconcile your bank statement the day you get it.
Put sale papers, advertisments, and catalogs by your chair, so you can look at them when you deserve a break. Do not let them pile up! Look at them the next time you sit down and have your scissors, grocery list, and garbage can handy.
By the way, the "Do It Now Principle" works for most everything (not just mail!)
The Laundry: Do You Know Where Your Laundry Is?
Go! Give your laundry the attention it deserves. If not you will pay later. It will grow up and get out of hand. Here are some tips:
Sorting: If we have to sort the dirty clothes it may take longer to put a load in the washer. We might decide not to do it at all. Try this: have three baskets in the closet or wherever you keep dirty clothes. One for whites, colored, and one for good clothes that you don't want to wash with the other things. As you undress, place the dirty clothes in the proper basket. Then hang up the items that can be worn again. The "Do It Now Principle" kicks in. Even little children can be taught this!
Washing: Only do a load if you have time to do everything: wash, dry, fold, and put away.
Drying: Always take the clothes out of the dryer the minute you hear the buzzer. This saves you from ironing.
Folding: Fold up the clothes as soon as you get them from the dryer.
Putting the clothes away: No one likes to live out of a laundry basket. Have a place for everything. Even if you have to label the drawers for a while until you get used to putting them in their own place.
More Laundry Hints
Buy low maintenance clothing.
Buy several pair of socks that are the same color. They will match easier.
When you take off socks make sure they are right side out.
Bathroom tips:
Keep a toilet bowl brush beside the commode
Keep Windex bottle, paper towels, and Comet handy. This means one for each bathroom, so you can clean without even thinking about it.
Polish bathroom sink daily. The same principle holds in the bathroom as in the kitchen.
Bedroom Tips (for cleaning - LOL):
Get in the habit of making up the bed as soon as possible - the minute your dear husband gets up. This will keep you from going back to bed.
Feather Dust daily.
Lint roller: for those of us that have pets that shed.
Living room / Dining room / Family room Hints:
Throw newspaper away daily.
Feather dust daily.
Straighten Cushions on the couch.
Put things away when you finish with them.
Don't take your shoes off in the livingroom.
The Car:
Keep it empty. This is hard - unload it every time you get out.
Don't eat in the car. This way you don't have trash to throw away.
Always fill up with gas. It saves time in the long run.
Check oil weekly.
Craft projects.
Only drag out enough to finish in the time allotted. Unless you have a room just for that purpose. Then put things away in a neat fashion.
Put it away as soon as you finish.
Staying with this system.
Establish a goal and work toward it. Set a timer if you have to.
Establish a routine to your daily chores. By the time you get to the kitchen, half of your work may be done. The routine keeps you from having to think about what to do next.
Establish a new habit each month. It takes 21 day to form a habit. But for SHEs it takes 28 days.
Diet-Баллов: 2027
Сообщений: 361
Город: Cawston, Rugby, Warwickshire
2.4.2011 2:48
FlyLady's Zones
As most of you know, we work in a different zone each week. We are using FlyLady's zones because it is much easier if we are all on the same page. LOL! Check the Flight Plan to see what zone FlyLady is currently working in.
Zone 1: First few days of the month until the next Sunday: Entrance/front porch/dining room
Zone 2: First full week of the month: Kitchen/ back porch/laundry room/pantry
Zone 3: Second full week of the month: Main bathroom/extra bedroom/ kid's rooms/ craft room
Zone 4: Third full week of the month: Master bedroom/bath/closet
Zone 5: Last few days of the month from Monday until the 1st: Living room/den/TV room
"Now don't get upset if I have left out part of your home. I am focusing on the main parts of our homes. I left out my basement, garage, and the yard. If you have just started with this list, I want you to declutter according to our zones. After each room is decluttered it will be much easier to keep clean. It has been months, maybe even years, since you removed the cobwebs and vacuumed under the furniture. That is what our zone cleaning is all about once we get rid of our clutter. Do not get overwhelmed by this - focus on one room at a time, not all of them at the same time. Over the next few months you will eventually declutter each room and the zone cleaning will become a piece of cake. Baby Steps.
Spend 15 minutes a day in the zone. It is not much. We will give you specific assignments each day. When you get the daily assignment go do it. Set a timer for you to get the job done. Do not pull out more than you can put back in the 15 minutes. I will break each job into smaller parts." - FlyLady
Diet-Баллов: 2027
Сообщений: 361
Город: Cawston, Rugby, Warwickshire
2.4.2011 2:47
How to Declutter
Taking 15 minutes each day to declutter an area, using the 27-Fling Boogie, and clearing your hotspots are among some of the most powerful tools you can use to create a more peaceful home. Remember: You cannot organize clutter - you can only organize the things you love!
I've included my tips on how to declutter. Put your home on a diet. If this is difficult for you, try reading one of my favorite books, "Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui" by Karen Kingston.
When to Declutter: Decide how often you are going to declutter a zone. Do a little every day - use a timer. But be warned - this can become compulsive! Once you get started you will want to clean like a banshee! Don't burn yourself out! Only do small amount at a time. The house did not get dirty overnight and it will not get clean overnight. When you set the timer you can only do two sessions at a time. This goal may seem unattainable right now, but you can do it in little pieces. In a couple of months, the whole house will be decluttered.
Decluttering Equipment: You will need garbage bags, boxes, magic markers, and a dust rag. Label the boxes "Give Away", "Throw Away", and "Put Away". Line the "Throw Away" box with a plastic garbage bag.
Set your timer: for 1 hour (or 30, 15, or 10 minutes - it does't matter how long). Just do the job as fast as you can and do not pull out more stuff than you can put away in that length of time. This means just one drawer, one closet (or even one shelf in one closet), one magazine rack, or digging under just the furniture in the zone. Not all of them at once!
Start at the entrance to the room: Then, work your way around the room clockwise. Do not skip a spot. Whatever happens to be next, just do it.
Declutter Away! With boxes at your feet and dust rag in your waistband, start off by cleaning out and getting rid of the things that do not belong in this room. Put garbage in the "Throw Away" box, donations in the "Give Away" box, and stuff that goes somewhere else in the "Put Away" box. Don't worry that you do not have a place for everything right now. By the time you finish you will. That's a promise from FlyLady!
What to declutter? Things to ask yourself as you get rid of your clutter:
Do I love this item?
Have I used it in the past year?
Is it really garbage?
Do I have another one that is better?
Should I really keep two?
Does it have sentimental value that causes me to love it?
Or does it give me guilt and make me sad when I see the item?
Cleanse this room of everything that does not make you SMILE.
Sing this song: "Please release me, let me go" as sung from the stuff's point of view. It needs to be loved by someone and if you don't love it - GET RID OF IT!
Get rid of the garbage! When the "Throw Away" box gets full, pull out the garbage bag, close it, and put it in the trash can, the pickup truck, or wherever you keep your garbage. Put a new garbage bag in the "Throw Away" box and keep on Flying until the timer goes off.
Donations: When the "Give Away" box gets full, seal it off, and put it in your car. The next time you are out, you can donate to the area thrift shop. Do not save your clutter for a yard or garage sale, you will be blessed by giving it away. The value can be deducted on your income tax. Remember you are trying to get rid of clutter - not relocate it somewhere else in your home. Now, grab another box, label it "Give Away", and get back to work.
"Put Away" Stuff: When the "Put Away" box gets full, take the box in your arms and run around the house (good thing you have shoes on - right?) and put the items in the room where they belong. If they have a place, put them there, if not put them in the room where they logically belong. By the time you have finished you will have a place for everything and everything will be in it's place.
Timer Goes Off: When the timer goes off, you have to put away all the boxes, but first you have to empty them all. Go as fast as you can.
Diet-Баллов: 2027
Сообщений: 361
Город: Cawston, Rugby, Warwickshire
2.4.2011 2:46
FlyLady's Eleven Commandments
Keep your sink clean and shiny.
Get dressed every morning, even if you don’t feel like it. Don’t forget your lace-up shoes.
Do your morning and before bedtime routine everyday.
Don’t allow yourself to be sidetracked by the computer.
Pick up after yourself. If you get it out, put it away.
Don’t try to do two projects at once. ONE JOB AT A TIME.
Don’t pull out more than you can put back in one hour.
Do something for yourself everyday, maybe every morning and night.
Work as fast as you can to get the job done. This will give you more time to play later.
Smile even when you don’t feel like it. It is contagious. Make your mind up to be happy and you will be.
Don’t forget to laugh everyday. Pamper yourself, you deserve it.
Diet-Баллов: 2027
Сообщений: 361
Город: Cawston, Rugby, Warwickshire
2.4.2011 2:45
Take Regular Breaks!
I want you to stop for a few minutes every hour and take a break. During this break, spend 15 minutes sharpening your axe. LOL!
Make a list of what needs to be done.
Look at the list and prioritize, don't just up to do it yet.
Drink some water, tea or your favorite beverage.
Spend this 15 minutes calming yourself. Breathing deep and slowly thinking about the next hour and what you can get done.
Love on your babies.
Kiss your husband.
Then go back to work with a renewed spirit.
No more turning in circles, not knowing what to do next. You have a plan. You can do this, if you will just think slowly and calmly, write a few things down and then you won't feel so stressed. Being stressed about this is not going to help. In fact it will make things worse.
Now set a timer for 15 minutes and take a break.
You are Really FLYing when you can do this!
Diet-Баллов: 2027
Сообщений: 361
Город: Cawston, Rugby, Warwickshire
2.4.2011 2:45
Declutter 15 Minutes a Day - 5 Great Tools That Make it Easy!
Your home is filled with clutter of all shapes and sizes. This is why you are unable to keep it clean. You have too much STUFF. All we ask is that you set a timer and spend 15 minutes a day decluttering. That's it. Anyone can do anything for only 15 minutes, even if you have to break it down into 5 minutes segments. These are the five tools we give you to help you declutter and also make it fun for you! When you get the e-mail reminders/checklists from FlyLady, try them yourself. What do you have to lose (besides clutter LOL!)?
The 27-Fling BoogieWe do this assignment as fast as we can. Take a garbage bag and walk through your home and throw away 27 items. Do not stop until you have collected all 27 items. Then close the garbage bag and pitch it. DO NOT LOOK IN IT!!! Just do it. Next, take an empty box and go through your home collecting 27 items to give away. Suze Orman taught me this in her book, The Courage to be Rich. This will change the energy in your home and bring about good feelings. Every time I do this I feel better and my home is becoming decluttered in the process. As soon as you finish filling the box, take it to the car. You are less tempted to rescue the items. Rule of thumb: if you have two of any item and you only need one, get rid of the least desirable. I also sing a wonderful song as I am doing this fun job: "Please Release Me, Let Me Go" as sung from the stuff's point of view.
The Hot Spot Fire DrillHere is a problem that we all have and continue to struggle with - Hot Spots. What is a hot spot? A hot spot is an area, when left unattended will gradually take over. My favorite analogy is of a hot spot in a forest fire, if left alone, it will eventually get out of hand and burn up the whole forest. This is what happens in our homes. If left unattended, the hot spot will grow and take over the whole room as well as making the house look awful. When you walk into a room, this is the first thing you see. CLUTTER ATTRACTS CLUTTER! Do you have areas like this that continue to grow if left alone? Does the rest of the family see this as a place to put things when they do not want to put them where they belong? It is our job to nip this in the bud! Get rid of that pile, find the surface underneath and stop this Hot Spot from becoming a raging clutter inferno! Watch for the Hot Spot fire drill reminder - then try it - it works!
The 5 Minute Room RescueThis is a reminder to spend just 5 minutes clearing a path in your worst room. You know this area of your home: the place you would never allow anyone to see. Just 5 minutes a day for the next 27 days and you will have a place that you can be proud to take anyone!
Kelly's Daily MissionsEach day (or almost each day) Kelly will e-mail a 5-minute mission for you to do. It will be in the area of the home that we are focusing on for that week (the zone). These missions will take you to places you may have never been before! Have fun with this! We will also be posting Kelly's missions for the week in the Flight Plan.
Work in your ZonesEach week FlyLady will tell you what zone we are working in. After a full month, you will have worked our way around the majority of the living areas of your home. Do not worry if you have not gotten to every room in your house the first month. As one area gets cleaned, it will become easier to do and you will have more time to face those areas that don't seem to fit in any zone. See the Flight Plan for more information. Remember: FlyLady wants you to take baby steps. Don't worry about zones until you have conquered the basics!
Diet-Баллов: 2027
Сообщений: 361
Город: Cawston, Rugby, Warwickshire
2.4.2011 2:44
Baby Steps, Baby Steps!
Your home did not get dirty in one day and it will not get clean in a day either. You have been living in clutter and CHAOS for many years, you are not going to get your home clean in a day. I do not want you to crash and burn. This is why I teach you to take baby steps. If you try to do this all at once, you are going to be mad at me, because this will be like every other "get-organized" method you have tried. I want you to take your time. As you establish one habit, you will very easily be able to add another one to your routines. - FlyLady
Establish small routines first and then work up to more items. Don't try to do a full blown routine the very first day. FlyLady's routines are just an example to help you to develop your own. Pick three things for the morning and three things for the evening.
Consistency is the key to all of this. We have to take our time with our routines. They do not happen over night. It is the result of tiny changes over several months. Baby Steps! If you try to accomplish this without taking the baby steps, your habits will not be everlasting. Baby steps are the key. Yes you can do your routines by looking at a list of things to do, but they have to become automatic(a part of you) for them to be life changing.
Take your time and enjoy the process. Don't feel pressured to do it all at once. This is worth going slow. I did and for once I didn't throw in the towel, I did it one habit at a time. When I did fall, I was able to pick myself up and start again at anytime. It takes SHEs 28 days to establish a habit. Believe me, I have tried everything to not do this. Nothing ever worked for very long. It doesn't matter if you miss one day, just get back on your horse and keep taking those baby steps. It is the practice that makes it work.
This is worth the extra effort to go slow. I know it is not in our nature to plod along. We want what we want and we want it now. You are going to have to quiet this voice in your head and take it one habit at a time. Consistency has its rewards. - FlyLady
Diet-Баллов: 2027
Сообщений: 361
Город: Cawston, Rugby, Warwickshire
2.4.2011 2:44
Getting Dressed to the Shoes
Why shoes? Especially lace-up shoes?
Since starting this group, I have continually harped on putting your shoes on your feet each morning. I want you to do this and you are not the exception to the rule. Here is why. Several years ago I worked for a direct sales cosmetics company. One main rule for that company was that you could not make a single phone call in the morning unless you were totally dressed, and I mean really dressed! All the way to dress shoes. The reason behind this duty was that you act different when you have clothes and shoes on. You are more professional. The customer can tell when you don't feel good about the way you look. Even when you think you do. So if getting dressed makes that big of an impression on someone that can't even see you, then what is going to happen to those that can see you. Mainly yourself. Putting shoes on your feet that lace up are better than slip-ons or sandals, because they are harder to take off. Instead of kicking your shoes off for a quick snooze on the couch, you actually have to go to a bit more trouble. Maybe in that short instant you will realize that there is something more that you can do. With shoes on those feet of yours, your mind says "OK", it's time to go to work. You have no excuse for not taking the trash out or putting that box of give-away stuff into the car. You are literally ready for anything. Believe me, when you get that call from school that your child needs you, or that dear friend calls up and says that she needs to talk "can we have lunch?" you are ready! Including shoes.
I see this problem more in the SAHM (Stay At Home Moms) because often they don't have to leave the house and it is not necessary to get dressed every morning. Only their children are going to see them. I want you to listen very close. You have the most important job of all, raising productive adults. NOW, do you want your children to remember that Mom didn't get dressed until it was time for Dad to get home? Or do you want your children to have to answer the door because you are still in your gown tail and bathrobe? If you would look at your day just like the Payroll SHE and realize that the jobs around the house will take as long as you let it (all day in most cases because you allow it) and get off your "Franny" and get dressed all the way to shoes. Because it is time to go to work.
There is one other great benefit to wearing shoes. Two summers ago was the first time I successfully did this for more than a week or two. It was the first summer time I didn't have cracked and bleeding heels. Many rewards are waiting. Now put those shoes on. I don't want to hear, "Well I don't wear shoes in my house". Well you do now, sister! Buy or clean up a pair just for that reason. It's not going to be that you track in the dirt anyway. You are still boss and you can require your children to remove their shoes. What is the problem here? In most homes you have had trouble even finding the floor, much less keeping the carpet clean. Do you even know what color it is supposed to be? And when you vacuum once or twice a week the dirt goes away. Teach your children to not track in stuff. Have a mat outside the door for them to remove unwanted dirt and mud. I bet you have 10 pairs of shoes at the door right now. What does that do to your vacuuming schedule? Make the kids take their shoes outside to clean them up and then take the shoes to their rooms. If they had to pay for those expensive tennis shoes they would take better care of them. - FlyLady
Diet-Баллов: 2027
Сообщений: 361
Город: Cawston, Rugby, Warwickshire
2.4.2011 2:43
Shiny Sink 101
Many members have asked "How do I clean my sink until it shines?". So, just for you, we have posted FlyLady's "Shiny Sink 101" essay. Here's to a great shine!
Note: Follow this procedure the first time you shine your sink. You do NOT need to follow this method everyday. Just keep up the shine with a little window cleaner.
Dear Friends,
I want you to smile from ear to ear when you gaze upon your shiny sink.
I have heard every excuse in the world. Even old sinks can look new again with a little elbow grease.
Here is how you do it:
Take all the dishes out of the sink.
Run some very hot water into the sink. Fill to the rim. Only do one side at a time. Then, pour a cup of household bleach into the hot water. Let it sit for 1 hour. Now, pull the plug with a pair of tongs. If you don't have tongs, then scoop some of the water out of the sink into the other sink and use your hand to pull the plug (wear gloves and don't get the bleach-water on your clothes).
Rinse your sink well.
Use some cleanser (Comet, Ajax, or Baking Soda) and scrub your sink. Ensure you rinse ALL of the cleanser from the sink.
Take a sharp edge and clean around the rim of the sink, just like you would clean dirt out from under your fingernails.
Clean around the faucets too. You may need an old toothbrush or dental floss.
Now, get out your window cleaner, I use Windex, and give it a good shine.
If you still don't like the way it looks, then you could try some car wax. Just know in your heart that you have cleaned it very well now and it doesn't have to be perfect. Our perfectionism is what got us in this situation in the first place.
Every time you run water in your sink, take your clean dishtowel and dry it out (I lay out a clean one, every night with my before bedtime routine). Before you know it, you will be doing this everytime you leave your kitchen. The rest of the family will too. No more water spots. You will have a clean and shiny sink.
Don't have a fit if someone doesn't take as much pride in your sink as you do. It is very easy to fix. You have already done the hard part. You will never have to go through this process again. Daily maintenance will keep it looking this way all the time. Nasty hurtful word are not as easy to repair. Just be sure and tell your family what you are trying to do. They will think you have gone crazy.
If you don't have a dishwasher, don't worry. A dishwasher is just a dirty dish disposal. Clean out a place under your sink and put a dishpan in there. Teach your family, that instead of putting their dirty dishes and glasses in the sink, place them into the dish pan. Get into the habit of putting your dishes away as soon as they have been washed and are dry. No more leaving the dish drying rack on the counter or in the sink. Put it away under the sink when you have finished. If your old one is nasty, you may want to soak it in the sink full of bleach water at the same time you soak the sink or go buy a new set.
To insure that your family remembers this, put a note in the sink. It will get their attention and remind them where to put the dishes. Be patient! They have never been taught either. It is going to take some practice.
Now if you have a stainless steel sink, I recommend all of the above directions with one extra instruction added: after you soak your sink, rinse well, and use SOS pads to scrub it. This will buff the finish. It will look like new.
If you still can't get it to shine after the Windex, put a light coat of lemon oil or olive oil on it. I mean just a tiny bit on a cloth and rub it. This will make you smile. Some people have had very good results from Bar Keepers Friend.
Go Shine Your Sink! FlyLady
Last note: ensure you don't mix cleansers like Comet, etc. with Windex (or other ammonia based cleaners), you can create dangerous gases! It is worth repeating: rinse well between each step.